
NIS utilizes the Creative Curriculum which is aligned with the New York State Learning Standards.

Creative Curriculum

Creative Curriculum utilizes interest areas to promote developmentally appropriate learning. Within each classroom there is a strong emphasis on early literacy, science, math and technology.

The staff’s thorough knowledge of child development, children’s IEPs and monthly themes are also utilized in curriculum development.

Careful planning of the daily schedule takes into account the need for flexibility to address the individual learning style and ability of each child. Children’s changing interests are met through small and large group activities.

A child’s day is enriched through computers in the classroom, structured gym, music, visiting the school library and outdoor play.

NIS strives to create a program that reflects the cultural background of all the children and families. We are committed to helping children grow up confident of their own identity, respectful of others and aware of the rich diversity within their community.

Parent communication is an integral part of the curriculum. Daily notes from the classroom inform parents of curriculum content and activities. NIS has an open door policy and parents are encouraged to become involved.

The Incredible Years

The Incredible Years Curriculum is also incorporated into the daily activities. Through the use of puppets, stories and videos this comprehensive curriculum teaches children to manage their emotions and behaviors and to make meaningful friendships. There is also a parent component which is presented through parent workshops. This comprehensive curriculum is effective in helping children acquire the social competence and skills they need to succeed as learners.